A1 a) The name of the League shall be the Meon Valley Pool League, known thereafter as the League. The League shall organise and promote Pool in the Meon Valley area.
b) In the event that a single sponsor agrees sponsorship in excess of £250 per season, the name of the League may incorporate the sponsor’s name, if the sponsor so wishes, i.e., the Meon Valley (Sponsor’s Name) Pool League.
c) The mailing address for the League will be the home address of the League Secretary, and will be printed as part of the League letterhead.
d) The Meon Valley Pool League area is roughly described as follows:
North as far as and including Petersfield
East as far as and including Rowland’s Castle
South as far as and including Widley
West as far as and including Wickham.
This is only meant as a guide to the general area, and inclusion or otherwise of a team in the League from a location point of view will be decided by the Executive Committee.
A2 a) The business of the League shall be conducted by the Executive Committee which shall consist of the Chairperson, General Secretary, Treasurer, Fixtures Secretary plus a maximum of five General Members. A minimum of 4 roles and a maximum of 9 are needed to constitute a Committee.
b) Each member of the Executive Committee, including the Chairperson, are required to form a quorum. If there is a drawn vote on an issue then the following three Members will have the casting vote: Chairperson, General Secretary and Treasurer.
c) The members of the Executive Committee shall be elected at an Annual General Meeting and shall serve until they either resign or are asked to leave by a member of the league.
e) The Executive Committee are empowered to appoint officers to perform specific tasks as and when deemed necessary. These appointed officers may attend Committee Meetings but will not be entitled to vote. Expenses may be claimed at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
f) The Executive Committee shall be the sole arbitrators over any dispute and shall have the power during the season to make any decision not covered by this Constitution and Rules. Also, if it is considered necessary for the general well-being of the League, both from an administrative and financial point of view. All Constitution and Rule changes will be returned to the AGM for endorsement.
g) If it is felt necessary, the Executive Committee may request the attendance at a Committee Meeting of team captains and/or players involved in a particular dispute or rule violation.
h) Any team captain wishing to raise a complaint about another team or Committee ruling, must do so in writing either by email, text or letter, to the League Secretary. This must be done within 3 days of the incident. Attendance at a Committee Meeting to discuss the complaint may also be requested in this way.
i) Any registered player wishing to raise a matter with the Executive Committee must also do so in writing, either by email, text or letter, preferably through their team captain. Internal team disputes will not be entered into by the Executive Committee unless specifically requested to do so by the majority of the team concerned.
j) The Minutes of each Executive Committee Meeting will be sent to each registered team captain.
k) If it is felt necessary by the Executive Committee, they may call a Captains Meeting or Special General Meeting. The date, time and venue of the meetings shall be sent to the captains at least 14 days before the said date.
l) On all matters, the Executive Committee decision is final.
A3 a) The Annual General Meeting shall be held in July each year, the exact date being decided by the Executive Committee. The League Secretary shall notify the captains of each team registered at the end of the previous season, in writing, at least 28 days before the said date, as to the venue and the draft agenda. This will be sent to the captain’s home or email address and to the team’s home venue. The final agenda including all motions and nominations shall be sent as described above 7 days before the said date.
b) Invitations to the AGM will also be sent to new teams who have expressed an interest in joining the League. Representatives from these teams do not have the right to raise motions and nominations for the AGM, and will not be entitle to vote.
c) Captains (or a nominated representative) of each team registered at the end of the previous season, are entitled to one vote at the AGM and must be present to record their vote. In the event of a tie, the Executive Committee will vote (see C3, paragraph b).
d) Nominations for election will only be considered at the AGM if Section C4 paragraph e) below has been adhered to, and the nominee and proposer are present at the AGM.
e) Nominations for election at an AGM must be in writing and in the hands of the Secretary at least 14 days before the AGM.
f) Any motion for discussion at the AGM must be put in writing and be in the hands of the Secretary at least 14 days before the AGM.
g) Only motions included on the final agenda and submitted as described in Section C4, paragraph f) above, will be discussed at the AGM.
h) A representative from each team must attend the AGM. Failure to attend will result in a fine, if that team subsequently registers for the following season (see Appendix A, paragraph 1.13 of the Rules for the amount of this fine). At the AGM the following will be issued to each team: Rules Appendix A (dates and fines applicable to the coming season), Registration Forms, Singles, Doubles and Three Player Team Forms.
A4 a) The financial year of the League shall end on the last day of the month in which the Presentation Night is held, and payments for the Presentation Night are completed. The accounts will be audited by the Executive Committee. Only if any major problems are found, will an independent auditor be hired to investigate.
b) The expenditure of the League shall be paid by cheque or bank transfer.
c) No expenditure shall be paid without a receipt being received by the Treasurer.
d) The League funds received through registration fees, fines and sponsorship will be used as follows:
i) Running expenses such as duplication and mailing costs, etc.
ii) Purchase and maintenance of Trophies as outlined in the Rules.
iii) Payment of affiliation fees to the HPA.
iv) Any other related expenditure at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
v) Executive Committee Members may claim reasonable expenses incurred performing League business. All such expenses must be receipted with the exception of mileage and telephone calls. For the expense rates applicable to mileage and telephone calls for the current season, see Appendix A, paragraph 1.15 of the Rules. All expenses must be claimed on the Expense Claim Form (see Appendix G of the Rules), and must be checked and approved by the League Treasurer or Chairman.
e) Any surplus funds at the end of the Season are to be rolled over to the next Season and so on.
A6 a) Registration of a team in the League shall be open to any team based in the Meon Valley Pool League area as agreed by the Executive Committee.
b) Registered teams shall automatically be affiliated to the HPA and the EPA.
c) Registration fees will be made up as follows:
i) Fee per registered player
ii) HPA affiliation fee
iii) Retention fee
iv) Team Registration fee (if applicable).
The amounts of these fees for the current season are detailed in the Rules.
d) All registered teams MUST send a representative to the pre-season SGM which will be held after the registration deadline, but before the start of each season. Failure to attend will result in a fine (see Appendix A, paragraph 1.13 of the Rules for the amount of this fine). At this SGM the following will be issued to each team: updated Constitution and Rules, Division Structure, Fixture List, Book of Results Sheets, Team Playing Record Sheets, Venue and Captain contact list.
A7 a) The Constitution and the Rules of the League shall only be changed at an AGM or at a Special General Meeting, which will be called at the discretion of the Executive Committee in which case Section C4, paragraphs a) and c) will apply (an exception to this is covered in Section C8, paragraph c)i)).
b) No changes or deviations from the EPA rules is permitted. Points of clarification and interpretation, however, may be made at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
c) A complete copy of the League Constitution and Rules will be issued to all teams at the pre-season SGM. If any team requires an extra copy, this must be paid for (see Appendix A, paragraph 1.14 of the Rules for the cost of these). This is to be paid for on collection.
A8 a) All League games and competitions run by the League shall be played to rules currently in used at the date of commencement of each season. From September 2024, BLACKBALL Rules are in effect.
b) No changes or deviations from the current rules is permitted. Points of clarification and interpretation, however, may be made at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
c) Each season the League may organise the following:
i) A League Competition structured into Divisions. The number of Division, the number of teams in each Division and the promotion/relegation criteria will depend on the number of registered teams. The Executive Committee will decide on the above and issue rule amendments after each AGM.
ii) A Team Knock-Out Competition.
iii) A Team Plate Competition
iv) A League Singles Competition
v) A League Doubles Competition
vi) Three-Player Team Competition.
A9 a) Winding up of the League. If in the opinion of the League Committee the affairs of the League are such that there is insufficient support for the general activities of the League, and for this or any other reason it is unable to fulfill the objectives of the League as defined in the Constitution, the Committee shall convene an extraordinary General Meeting of all team captains.
b) The proposition to wind-up the League must be duly proposed and seconded and must obtain the vote of at least two thirds of those team captains present, and eligible to vote, to be carried. If the motion is carried, then the Committee shall take action to wind-up the affairs of the League.
c) If the League shall be wound-up, the net value (or liabilities) after the disposal of all the assets and expenses paid, shall be divided equally between each of the teams currently in the League (or, if before the start of the new season, registered at the end of the previous season).
A10 Honorary Vice Presidents. The Meon Valley Pool League shall nominate persons to be elected as Honorary Vice Presidents (for life) in recognition of outstanding service/achievement with the running of the League. Honorary Vice Presidents will therefore have the right to attend Committee Meetings, discuss issues, be invited to all League functions and in recognition of their achievement; their names would be shown on the League’s letterhead. No voting rights will be offered, unless they become full members of the Committee. There would be no limit to the number of Honorary Vice Presidents elected.
Section 1 – Conditions of Acceptance of a Team into the League
1.1 The size of the table required for entry into the League is Size 7. There can be no exceptions to this rule.
1.2 There must be a clear playing area on all sides of the table of at least 4 feet.
1.3 The table must be regularly maintained to ensure the slate is true and level, the baize is clean and has an even nap, and the cushions are true.
1.4 The following equipment is also required:
a) A rest and a abridge must be available
b) A set of red and yellow balls which are the correct size for the table and which are clean and undamaged.
c) A triangle for racking the balls
d) The table must be adequately lit.
1.5 Adherence to the conditions outlined in 1.1 through 1.5 above, will be checked by an Executive Committee Member on the following occasions:
a) Prior to acceptance of a new team (or an existing team changing venue) into the League.
b) Following any written complaint about playing conditions from another Team Captain.
c) Following any table replacement or movement both during the season and in the closed season (see Rule 1.7).
1.6 It is the responsibility of each Team Captain to advise the Executive Committee in writing of any changes to the playing conditions at his or her home venue. Failure to do so will result in a fine. See Rule Appendix A, paragraph 1.1 for the amount of this fine.
1.7 In the event that a Team wishes to change home venue during the closed season, maintenance of the previous season’s division status is dependent on at least 5 registered players from last season also registering for the new season. Failure to meet this condition will result in a Committee Hearing to decide on which division the team should be placed in. The Executive Committee has the final say on Division placement of new/returning teams after an absence of 1 or more years.
1.8 A change of home venue during the season will only be accepted in exceptional circumstances, at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
1.9 No more than two teams per match table at each venue will be accepted.
1.10 Any team (or player from that team) that owes the League money from the previous season beyond the date of the AGM preceding each new season, will result in that team not being accepted into the League for the new season until these monies are paid (see Rule 4.16 for further clarification on this).
Section 2 – Team and Player Registration
2.1 Team and player registration will remain in force from the date of payment of registration fees for 12 months or until the day before the team registration deadline for the following season, whichever is the sooner. If a team or player is expelled from the League, registration will be terminated from the date of expulsion.
2.2 All teams intending to register must attend the AGM in July before the start of the season and the pre-season SGM.
2.3 The minimum number of players registered for each team is 6, and 1 of these must be nominated as Captain.
2.4 Team registration can commence at the AGM but must be completed by the registration deadline date (see Rules Appendix A, paragraph 1.2).
Registration criteria that must be met by this date are as follows:
a) Payment of Team Retention Fee (see Rule 2.6)
b) Payment of the HPA affiliation fee (see Rule 2.7)
c) Registration of at least 6 players
d) Pay any outstanding fees (see Rule 1.10)
Failure to meet these criteria will result in exclusion from the League.
2.5The Team Retention Fee is an amount paid to the League when the team registers (see Rules Appendix A, paragraph 1.3 for the amount of this fee applicable for the current season). The Retention Fee will be retained by the League and follows the team if 5 or more players leave and start up at a different venue.
2.7 Player Registration can commence at the AGM and there must be at least 6 players registered by each team, by the Team Registration deadline (see Rules Appendix A, paragraph 1.2). The last date a player may be registered is 1 January each year (see Rules Appendix A, paragraph 1.5). Special requests for exceptions to this rule will be sympathetically considered.
2.8 Once a player has registered and played for a team, he/she may only play for that team in the Meon Valley Pool League that season. Transfers from one team to another are not permitted.
2.9 Each team is permitted to register a maximum of 2 players only aged between 16 and 18 years at the landlord’s discretion. All other players must be over 18 years.
2.10 It is the responsibility of each captain to satisfy themselves of the above age criteria. If it is brought to the attention of the Executive Committee that a false age has been made on the Player Registration Form, the team will be penalised as described in Rule 4.3.
2.11 The Executive Committee reserve the right to refuse registration of a team and any player without giving reasons.
2.12 Player Registration criteria are as follows:
a) A Player Registration Form, available from the website, must be completed and signed by each player; no substitute form of piece of paper will be acceptable.
b) Payment of the Player Registration Fee (see Rule 2.15)
c) A player cannot play for the team until his or her Registration Form and fee have been in the hands of the Executive Committee for 7 clear days.
2.13 The Player Registration Fee is an amount paid to the League when each player registers. See Rules Appendix A, paragraph 1.6 for the amount of this fee applicable for the current season.
2.14 A player will not be considered registered until an official receipt for the fees has been issued by the League and given to a team representative. The names of the players being registered will be recorded on the receipt and the receipt counterfoil.
2.15 Registration Forms and fees can only be received by the League Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer/Results Secretary/Competition Secretary (and by another named individual appointed by the Executive Committee as circumstances dictate). The League will not be responsible for Forms and Fees left with any other person. Similarly, telephone requests and messages will not be accepted.
2.16 Once a player has been registered, he or she will remain registered for the whole season (see Rule 2.1). Replacing registered players with other players is not permitted.
Section 3 – Disputes
3.1 The procedure for bringing complaints and/or disputes to the Executive Committee is outlined in the League Constitution Section C3, paragraphs g) and h).
3.2 Playing Disputes: The nominated referee may consult both of the teams’ captains, or their delegates, to resolve any dispute. If agreement cannot be reached, the referee’s decision will be final. Any team captain has the right to refer any dispute to the Executive Committee for a final ruling. This must be done in writing, text or email and within 3 days of the incident.
Section 4 – Penalties
4.1 Any team failing to complete the season through withdrawal or expulsion will forfeit all monies paid to the League and the players are responsible for any outstanding fines due.
4.2 Any team playing a player who is not correctly registered will forfeit the whole match, and will be fined by the League. See Appendix A, paragraph 1.7 for the amount of this fine applicable for the current season. A player is not considered registered unless a receipt can be produced with their name on it, signed by a member of the Executive Committee. No exceptions to this rule will be permitted.
4.3 Any team playing a player under 16 years old, or more than two players aged between 16 and 18 years old, will have all games played by the said player forfeited and match results will be adjusted accordingly. The team will also be fined by the League. See Appendix A, paragraph 1.7 for the amount of this fine applicable for the current season.
4.4 League and Team KO Result Sheets – It is the responsibility of the home team captain to ensure blank result sheets are available for each match; are correctly completed; signed by all players and are emailed/whatsapped in time to the Fixtures Secretary within 3 days of the match.
The Fixtures Secretary is MJ Etherington. Email to admin@meonvalleypoolleague.com. Whatsapp to 07736905209
Failure to comply with the above will result in the home team being fined, the amount of this fine is shown at Appendix A, paragraph 1.8. These fines will be made for result sheets sent to the League any other way than detailed above.
4.5 Singles, Doubles and 3 Player Team Results Sheets – It is the responsibility of the nominated referee to ensure Results Sheets are correctly completed and signed by all players. The League General Secretary will send a blank Result Sheet either by post or email to each nominated referee prior to each match. The nominated referee must ensure that these Result Sheets are returned to the Treasurer/Results Secretary/Competition Secretary either by post, email or text.
4.6 Results of the League, Team KO, Singles, Doubles and Three-Player Team matches will not be accepted unless they are recorded on proper Results Sheets. Failure to comply with this Rule for League and Team KO matches will result in the away team being awarded 10-0 win. For Singles, Doubles and Three-Player Team matches, all players will be eliminated from the competition. Discretion will be shown by the Committee in exceptional circumstances.
4.7 In the case of the League and Team KO matches, if a copy of the Result Sheet is not received by the League, either by email or Whatsapp, the home team captain will be asked to send in their copy to the Fixtures Secretary. If the home team captain is unable to send a copy by the date specified, then the away team captain will be asked to provide their copy. In the event that one captain can provide a copy, the result will be awarded 10-0 to whichever captain can supply the sheet and fines will be imposed accordingly on the other team (see Appendix A, paragraph 1.16 for the amount of the fine). If no sheet is submitted, 0-0 will be recorded and fines will be imposed on both teams.
4.8 If a player’s signature is missing from the Result Sheet, this frame will be forfeited. If both home and away signatures are missing, then that frame will be discounted.
4.9 If a player’s signature on the registration form is found to have been forged, then the team involved will be fined (see Appendix A, paragraph 1.7 for the amount of this fine), and this will be treated as an illegal player and Rule 4.2 will apply.
4.10 In the event that a team accumulates fines in excess of the retention fee, they will be advised in writing by the Executive Committee and either the excess amount or another retention fee will be requested. Failure to comply with this request within 14 days will result in the team receiving a penalty
(points deducted), or ultimate expulsion from the League.
4.11 The captain or teams and players holding perpetual trophies from last season are responsible for ensuring that these are returned to the Executive Committee by the date specified by the Committee. Failure to comply with this will result in the team being fined by the League. See Appendix A, paragraph 1.9 for the amount of this fine applicable to the current season. If no trophy is returned, replacement costs are to be recovered by the Committee from either the captain, team or player(s).
4.12 Any team committing an offence more than twice in a season, will be warned in writing by the Executive Committee. Failure to comply thereafter will result in expulsion from the League.
4.13 In the event that a team is expelled or withdrawn from the League, all previous and future League matches involving that team will be totally discounted. Players from the expelled or withdrawn team are not permitted to play for another team, and if they are still in the Singles and/or Doubles and/or Three Player Team Competitions, they will be eliminated and their next round opponents will received a bye. There will be no backtracking of matches played in the Singles, Doubles, Three Player Team and Team KO matches. If a team fails to fulfill a fixture three times in any one season, at the third offence they will be expelled from the League and fined for all offences under Rule 4.15. All results against the offending team will be annulled, no matter when the third offence occurred.
4.14 Any team that owes the League money for whatever reason, is deemed the responsibility of the players. In addition, until those monies are paid in full, the team will not be accepted into the League, and all players registered for that team will be banned from playing for ANY Meon Valley Pool League Team, see Rule 4.10.
4.15 Any team failing to fulfill a fixture (e.g. failing to have at least 4 players at a match), unless very exceptional circumstances apply and it is put in writing by letter, text or email to the Executive Committee within 3 days of the incident, will be fined (see Appendix A, paragraph 1.19 for the amount of the fine). All resolutions will be at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
4.16 Refereeing Standards – If a refereeing complaint is upheld by the League Committee as being down to using a player to referee who is not competent or not following the correct procedure in the case of a playing dispute, the team will be fined (see Appendix A, paragraph 1.17 for the amount of this fine). Rule 4.12 will then apply.
4.17 Unsportsmanlike Conduct – If a complaint against a player or team is upheld by Executive Committee as being unsportsmanlike conduct (which includes unruly conduct, intimidating behaviour and/or excessive use of offensive/foul language), the first offence will result in a formal warning to the player or team and the team will be fined (see Appendix A, paragraph 1.17 for the amount of this fine). A second offence against the same player will result in that player being expelled from the League (the period of expulsion will depend on the seriousness of the offence, but the minimum period will be for the remainder of the current season). A second offence against the same team as a whole, will result in the team being expelled from the League (the period of expulsions is as above). If and when the team is allowed back in the League, it will be at the discretion of the Executive Committee. The complaints must have been received in writing either by post, text or email to the Executive Committee within 3 days of each offence.
Section 5 – Trophies
5.1 The League will provide and maintain perpetual trophies as follows:
Winning Team of each division
Runners Up of each division
Team KO Cup Winners
Team KO Cup Runners Up
Team KO Plate Winners
Team KO Plate Runners Up
Doubles Winners x 2
Singles Winner
3 Player Team Winners
5.2 The winning teams and players of the above trophies may retain possession of them from the Presentation Night until the date given by the Executive committee in Rule 4.11.
5.3 It is the responsibility of the winning teams and players to look after these trophies. Loss or damage to them will result in the team or player being asked to pay for replacement or repair.
5.4 The League may also provide individual trophies as follows:
Winning Team of each division x 9
Second Place Team of each division x 9
Team KO Winners x 9
Team KO Runners Up x 9
Team KO Plate Winners x 9
Team KO Plate Runners Up x 9
Three Player Team Winners x 4
Three Player Team Runners Up x 4
Doubles Winners x 2
Doubles Runners Up x 2
Singles Winner
Singles Runner Up
5.5 These individual trophies become the permanent property of the winning players.
5.6 Selection of trophies each season will be the responsibility of the Executive Committee.
5.7 The League will provide a maximum of 9 individual trophies for each winning
team. Any team requiring more than 9 trophies must pay for the additional trophies themselves.
5.8 Winning and Runners Up teams must have a presence of either the captain or a nominated team member at the Presentation Night.
5.9 Any team or players winning a perpetual trophy for three years in succession will be awarded a special trophy to keep in recognition of this achievement.
5.10 The League will provide one trophy for all Winners and Runners Up to be kept at the venue, which will not need to be returned at the end of the season. These trophies will be as a token of achievement for each team, alongside the perpetual trophies which must be returned at the end of the season (See Rule 5.2 and 5.3).
Section 6 – Division Structure
6.1 The number of divisions and the number of teams in each division will depend on the number of teams registering each season, and will be decided by the Executive Committee after each AGM.
6.2 Promotion and relegation criteria will be as follows:
a) The bottom two teams in the Premier Division will be relegated to Division 1.
b) The top two teams in Division 1 will be promoted to the Premier Division.
c) The above two up, two down will also apply between Division 1 and Division 2, Division 2 and Division 3, and so on.
d) The promoted and relegated teams each season will remain promoted and relegated regardless on any balancing between divisions that may be required, i.e., if a third team is required from Division 2 to replace a team that drops out of Division 1, then that team will be the team that came third in Division 2 and not one of the teams relegated from Division 1.
6.3 If a team gains promotion from one division to another, or is offered a place in a higher division by virtue of the League table position as a result of needing to re-balance the number of teams in a division, then a team fromthat team’s venue MUST take up that position in the higher division. Failure to do this will result in that venue not being allowed to enter any teams in lower divisions for that season.
Section 7 – League Matches
7.1 Match nights will be Tuesdays and all matches must be played on the date and at the venue according to the fixture list. A match may be rearranged provided both team captains agree and the League is informed and also agrees with the date.
7.2 Only very exceptional circumstances will be accepted by the Executive Committee for deviation from Rule 7.1 (i.e. impassable weather conditions).
7.3 Matches in all divisions will consist of 10 frames; 8 singles and 2 doubles. This may be played with a minimum of 6 players and a maximum of 12. The order of play is to be determined by a random selection. If only 5 players,
5 Players – Choose either: Forfeit game 6, and either game 8 or game 10.
4 or less players – match forfeited, lose 10-0.
No player can play more than 2 frames each.
7.4 The first game of each match must start at the latest by 8.30pm, by which time the draw (see Rule 7.7) must be completed.
7.5 If a team is not present with at least 4 players in time to complete the draw for an 8.30pm start, they will forfeit the whole match, and the other team will win 10-0, provided they send in a fully signed Result Sheet to claim the match. The 5th Player required to meet the match minimum conditions must arrive by 21:00 or the team will be perceived as having only 4 players and the match declared a walkover. The timings here also apply for cup matches where a minimum of 6 players are required with 5 required by 20:30 and the sixth by 21:00.
7.6 The Result Sheet must be signed by at least 4 players from each team by 8.30pm. Subsequent absent or ineligible players will result in that frame being forfeited to the other team provided that team has a legal player signed for that game. All players must sign the sheet prior to the end of the evening.
7.7 Order of play for the whole match will be determined by a random draw and names entered on the Result Sheet.
7.8 The lag decides the choice of break in each frame. The table will be paid for by the home team.
7.9 The away team must provide a referee for each game, and the home team must provide a timekeeper. It is the responsibility of the team captain to ensure he/she nominates capable referees. In all cases the referee’s decision is final (see Rule 3.2).
7.10 Points will be awarded as follows:
2 points for a win
1 point for a draw
7.11 During doubles frames, Scotch Doubles will be in effect, with players taking alternating shots. Discussion between the two players is allowed between shots.
7.12 No pocket stuffing will be allowed in any division.
Section 8 – Team Knockout Competitions
8.1 Match nights will be Tuesdays and/or Wednesdays and all matches must be played on the date and at the venue stipulated. A match may be re-arranged to be played in the week preceding the fixture date, provided both team captains agree and the League is informed.
8.2 Only very exceptional circumstances will be accepted by the Executive Committee for deviation from Rule 8.1 (i.e., impassable weather conditions).
8.3 Each Team KO match will be one leg of 10 singles frames, with a decider if the scores are level after 10 games. The Captains shall nominate three players each, with one player from each team drawn from those three to play the decider.
8.4 Those teams that lose their matches in the preliminary round or the first round proper of the main Team KO Competition, will be automatically entered into a separate Team KO Plate Competition. This Plate Competition will run in parallel with the remainder of the main Team KO Cup Competition.
8.5 The draw for each round of the Competition will be completed by at least 4 members of the Executive Committee and will be from the hat. The first team drawn for each match will be the home team. All teams registered in the League will automatically be entered for the first round unless they have requested not to take part. Notification of the draw for each round will be sent to the team captains and venues involved at least 7 days before the date the round is to be played.
8.6 In the event that two teams using the same table as their home venue are drawn at home in the same round, the second team drawn will be reversed.
8.7 The order of play for each match will be determined by the captains drawing names from the hat. All names are put in the hat as per the captain, and then all names are returned to the hat for the second round of draws. In the rare event that one player is randomly drawn for both slots in one doubles match, that player will be allocated to the other doubles match. Swapping of players is allowed n this case.
8.8 Rules 7.4, 7.5, 7.6, 7.8 and 7.11 apply in full, to Team KO matches. Rule 7.9 also applies with the exception that the Executive Committee may appoint referees for the later rounds of the competitions.
8.9 Teams failing to fulfill a fixture would be eliminated from the KO Competition (see Appendix A, 1.19 for fines), therefore, no entry into the KO Plate Competition (see Rule 7.2 for extenuating circumstances).
Section 9 – Singles, Doubles and Three Player Team Competitions
9.1 The Singles, Doubles and Three Player Team competitions are open to any player registered with the League.
9.2 Match nights will be Wednesday’s and all matches must be played on the date and at the venue stipulated (see Rules 9.3 and 9.4).
9.3 Only very exceptional circumstances will be accepted by the Executive Committee for deviation from Rule 9.3 (i.e., impassable weather conditions) and must be agreed by all Members of the Executive Committee.
9.4 All matches will be played on a date and at the venue stipulated by the Executive Committee unless both parties agree to play before the date agreed and this is passed by the Executive Committee. No variation to this rule will be accepted. Should any players rearrange matches/venues, then all players will be withdrawn from the competitions. Only under very exceptional circumstances and by majority agreement by all Members of the Executive Committee (i.e. impassable weather conditions), will rearrangements be considered or permitted, but it must take place within two weeks of the original date.
9.5 Singles and Doubles matches will be the best of 5 frames for all rounds, except the semi-finals which will be the best of 7 frames, and the finals which will be the best of 9 frames. Doubles matches will remain alternate visits from each player. In the Three Player Team Competition, 4 players may be registered, but only 3 players can play in each round. Each player shall play each of the opposing 3 players once, i.e., the best of 9 frames in total. The order of play will be the home team will play frames 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3 and the away team will play 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 1, 3, 1, 2.
9.6 Each team captain is responsible for entering members of his/her team in these competition by submitting names on the entry forms (see Appendix D), together with entry fees by the date specified in Appendix A, paragraph 1.10. For entry fees applicable for the current season, see Appendix A, paragraph
1.11 and 1.20.
9.7 Failure to comply with Rule 9.6 will result in players not being entered for the draw.
9.8 The draw for each round of these competitions will be completed by at least 4 members of the Executive Committee, and will be from the hat. The playing venue for each match will be determined by the Executive Committee. Notification for the draw and the playing venues for each round will be sent to the team captains and venues involved at least 7 days before the date the round is to be played.
9.9 Once the competition has started, registered pairings may not be changed unless the following conditions apply:
a) No matches have yet been played by the pairing concerned (through byes or walkovers)
b) The replacement player must not already be entered in the competition. In the event that one of a pair has to pull out after 1 or more matches have been played by that pair, partner replacement is not permitted under any circumstances. The pair drawn to play the affected pair in the next round will receive a walk-over.
9.10 The first game of each round at each venue is to start at 8.30pm at the latest, any player not present by 8.30pm will forfeit their game to the opponent, provide the opponent is present and signs the Result Sheet by 8.30pm. Unless Rules 9.3 and 9.4 apply, no excuses for non-attendance will be accepted; this includes sickness.
9.11 In the case of doubles matches, Rule 9.10 will apply if 1 or both players or either pair are absent. Also Rule 7.11 applies.
9.12 In the event that both opponents are absent, or that no signatures are on the Result Sheet, both opponents will be eliminated from the competition.
9.13 For all singles and doubles matches the toss of a coin will decide the choice of breaking in the first frame, thereafter breaks will be alternate except for the last frame, i.e., the 5th, 7th, or 9th frame, when the toss of a coin will again decide the choice of break.
9.14 The table will be paid for jointly by all players.
9.15 The Executive Committee will nominate referees for each venue and it is the responsibility of the nominated referee to ensure that the Result Sheets are correctly filled in and sent to the Treasurer/Results Secretary/Competition Secretary either by post, text or email within 3 days of the game.
9.16 Refer to Rules 4.5 and 4.6 regarding Result Sheets. These rules apply in full to singles and doubles matches.
Appendix A
1.1 The fine for failure to advise changes in playing conditions will be £5.00.
1.2 The registration deadline for each team, and the first six players is 31st August each year.
1.3 The team retention fee will be £20.00 per team for the Winter League and £15.00 per team for the Summer League.
1.4 The HPA affiliation fee is £3.50 per team.
1.5 Players may be registered at any time in the season, with 48 hours notice required before they can play.
1.6 The player registration fee is £7.50 per player for the Winter League and £5.00 per player for the Summer League.
1.7 The fine for playing an illegal player is £7.50 for each offence (this includes under age players).
1.8 The fine for late Result Sheets will be £3.00 for the first offence, £4.00 for the second offence, and £5.00 for the third and subsequent offences.
1.9 The fine for failure to return perpetual trophies by the date of the last League fixture of the season will be £10.00 per trophy plus replacement costs. This applies to team and individual trophies and the fine is payable by the team.
1.10 The last date for entry into the Singles, Doubles and Three Player Team Competitions is 30th September each year.
1.11 The entry fee for the Singles and Doubles Competitions will be £5.00 per player per competition.
1.12 The fine for failure to attend the AGM and / or the pre-season SGM will be £10.00 per team.
1.13 The cost of a complete hard copy spare set of Constitution and Rules will be £5.00. Soft copies will be free of charge.
1.14 Expense claims are at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
1.15 The fine for failure to send in the home or away copy of the Result Sheet by the date specified will be £5.00.
1.16 The fine for any refereeing complaint upheld by the League Committee will be £5.00 for each offence. The fine for any unsportsmanlike conduct complaint upheld by the League Committee will be £10.00 for each offence.
1.17 The fine for failure to fulfill a fixture will be £10.00 for the first offence, £15.00 for the second offence and £20.00 and expulsion from the League for the third offence.
1.18 The entry fee for the Three Player Team Competition is £5.00 per team.