Latest News

After a quite loud AGM, the following changes have been made to our league.

Blackball rules are now in force. They can be found here.

All matches are now drawn out in a random manner.

League nights remain eight singles and two doubles. Doubles matches are now scotch doubles, with players alternating on each shot, and communication allowed between shots. Watch out for the sixty secomds though!!!!!

Cup matches are now ten single matches, with a single decider being plaed in the event of a tie. The Captains will nominate three players each to be drawn in a sudden death game.

Both Cup and League matches require a minimum of six players. A match can be played with five players, but two games wil be forfeited.

Committee members no longer need to be ratified every three years, and will continue on the committee until theu choose to leave, or a league member has a serious objection to them continuing.

We still have three places available on the committee. All players are welcome to apply.

Hi all. Winter League is coming up. Registration forms can be downloaded here.

Due to recent confusion, a rules clarifcation is needed. 

The original Blackball rules stated that a delibrate foul was a loss of frame. 

 7(c) Committing a deliberate foul. A player who clearly and intentionally plays a ball not ‘on’ will have committed a deliberate foul resulting in loss of frame. A player who clearly and intentionally fails to make an attempt to play a ball(s) of his/her own group will lose the frame. 

 A skill shot means you hit your ball first, which is fine, and has now been clarified as a tactical foul, even if a skill shot was not viable.


18. Foul But Not Loss Of Frame blackball pool rules foul 

 Here the player 'on' yellows intentionally plays a yellow ball onto a red which is potted. The player was NOT on a 'free' shot. In striking a ball from his own group first the player has fulfilled the requirements of a legal shot described above. It is however a standard foul for potting an opponent's ball, but it is not loss of frame. This may be regarded as a tactical option. The player on yellows pots a red in the expectation that, despite the award of a free shot to the opposing player, that player will not finish the frame. The hope is the red balls are so badly positioned the player on yellows is the most likely frame winner.


The full rules can be found here 

Summer League

Captains are asked to confirm interest in the summer league by responding to Mark Trotter by Friday 23rd February. This year in order to encourage more participation and to offer the chance to try a new set of rules the committee propose the following: 
Black Ball Rules will be trialled. The rules can be reached through this link.
Last year International Rules were voted against at the AGM but we recognise that there are still some teams that would like to try something new so this is your chance. 
There will be no signing on fee for players and also no trophies. The idea is purely to have a league where we trial these rules. Fines remain in place for game cancellation etc. 
Teams will require a minimum of 5 players. The format will be 10 straight singles all to be drawn from a hat from the outset. A team can play with 4 players but they will concede 2 frames (the 1st and 6th frame) 
Summer league Retention Fees apply – Some teams may need to pay this. 


As of Friday 13th October, the Heroes team has pulled out of the league. The committee has decided to just remove them from the results so far, and replace them with a bye. Any single or doubles fixtures that they were involved in will also turn into a bye for their opponents.

The results table and the fixture lists have been updated accordingly.

The fixture list for the new season is available and can be downloaded here.

Competition Draws

League Cup and Plate Competitions

Singles and Doubles Competitions

Total and Foul Snookers

In order to help newer players, total and foul snookers are explained, with pictures, via this link. We hope it helps.

Clarification on rule regarding what order players can play

Some confusion has arisen regarding the order of play and who can play where. The committee reviewed the Constitution and agree it is NOT clear and therefore this clarification is in place until we can agree at the AGM to amend the constitution:

The first 6 players listed must be unique (no player can play twice in the first 6). The player in the 6th Position cannot play in the 7th position (ie no players can play consecutive singles games). 2 Players for positions 7 & 8 can be from either the first 6 or can be 2 new players but they must be unique (ie cannot be the same player). No player can play more than twice. There is no restriction from playing position 8 and then playing in the first doubles. A player cannot play in both doubles.

Latest committee meeting minutes can be downloaded here

Knockout Cup Draw

Singles and Doubles Draw

Meon Valley Pool League

Some MVPL history from Geoff Hayden.

I joined the league in 1986, and it was already several years old by then, so it must be approx 35yrs old. Ted Tait was the chairman, but was voted out by a new committee comprising of myself, Dick Williams, Mick Hall, Debbie Toms and Alan Pitt in 1996. Dick stood as chairman for the first year, I took over for 5yrs, followed by a succession of other chairman after that. …More

“An athlete cannot run with money in his pockets. He must run with hope in his heart and dreams in his head ” Emil Zatopek

All game pictures welcome. Please send to here.